Guidelines for Authors

 Guidelines for Authors

Revista Goyazes aims to disseminate unpublished academic texts (articles, reviews and translations) in the field of Law, with a focus on the circulation of knowledge generated in research based on critical theoretical and empirical approaches, in order to provide a qualified space for the academic dialogue.3. Submission.


  1.  Originality

The articles submitted must be original, unpublished and cannot be in the process of being evaluated in other journals, unless it has been published in another language and in another country, in which case there must be a reference, in a footnote, that This is a version of an article already published in another journal.

2. Presentation of the text

2.1 Works will be accepted in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French and Italian.

2.2 Articles may have one author and up to two co-authors, preferably requiring a doctorate degree.

2.3 Texts from authors with specialist or master's degrees or who are pursuing a doctorate or master's degree may be accepted, as long as there is at least one co-author with a doctorate degree.

2.4 In the case of research groups, the names of the participants must appear in a footnote, indicating the activity of each member.

2.5 The articles submitted may deal with any relevant legal topic relating to the rights of native peoples and the environment and must be unpublished, under penalty of deletion, at any time.

2.6 Each author may only have a single article selected per edition for publication, even if they have submitted more than one article and all have been approved. This provision does not apply to co-authorship.

2.7 Articles that are approved by the board of ad hoc reviewers will be published, through the double-blind review procedure (double-blind review method).


3.1 The author who submits the work is exclusively responsible for including data relating to the identification of authors and co-authors, as well as defining the order in which names are presented, in the SUPPLEMENTARY DOCUMENT available at This document must be completed, signed and sent as an attachment, when submitting the work.

3.2 After submitting the work, the inclusion of co-authors or changes in the order of names will not be accepted.

3.3 Linguistic and bibliographical review must be carried out before submitting the manuscript.

3.4 The author must ensure that any metadata that could lead to identification has been removed from the text document, as per instructions indicated in the article submission process.

3.5 For submission, the author, or at least one of the co-authors, must register in advance on the journal's website.

3.6 Submission will imply the authors' full consent to the provisions of the conditions for submission and others that may eventually rectify it.

3.7 When submitting the article, the following metadata must be indicated, under penalty of preliminary rejection of the submission:

3.7.1 full name of the author and co-authors. In case of co-authorship, it is the authors' responsibility to define the order in which the names should appear in the publication.

3.7.2 e-mails, ORCID identification number and link to the author and co-authors' complete CV must be disclosed in the published version of the article.

3.7.3 the ORCID identifier can be obtained free of charge at The author must accept the standards for presenting the ORCID ID and include, in his registration, the complete URL, accompanied by the expression “http://” (for example: 0097).

3.7.4 in the case of Brazilian authors, the URL for the Lattes CV must be indicated.

3.7.5 the main institutional affiliation or both main ones, if the link with both is of the same importance. Affiliation refers to the institution to which the author is linked as a teacher or student. If you are neither a teacher nor a student, the institution where you obtained the highest academic title, such as doctorate, master's degree, specialization, etc., must be informed. The name of the institution must appear in full and in its original language, followed by an indication of its country of origin in parentheses. If the author is a professor and is pursuing a master's or doctorate degree at another institution, the main affiliation will be that of the institution in which the author appears as a master's or doctoral student.

3.7.6 the country of the main institutional affiliation of each of the authors.

3.7.7 mini-curriculum of each of the authors, starting with the indication of the institution where they appear as a teacher or researcher, if applicable, with reference to the respective city, state acronym and country in parentheses, followed by the indication of their academic titles ( starting with the highest), your other links with scientific associations, your profession, etc.

3.7.8 the title, in the original language of the article, in capital letters, with up to ten words.

3.7.9 the summary, in the original language of the article, with up to 250 words, without paragraph formatting and without presenting citations or references.

3.7.10 keywords with up to five terms in the original language of the article, in lowercase letters and separated by semicolons.

3.7.11 Indication of research funding sources, if applicable.

3.7.12 Complete list of references cited in the article, with a single space between each one.

3.8 Manuscripts must be written in a “.doc” or “.docx” file using the SUBMISSION TEMPLATE available at for typing. Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing and justified paragraphs must be used (with the exception of citations, footnotes, references and figure captions, which must comply with ABNT standards ). The space of the first line of paragraphs must be 1.25 cm or 1 TAB. The page configuration must be made in standard A4 (210 mm x 297 mm), with top and left margins of 3 cm and bottom and right margins of 2 cm.

3.9 The size of texts, in the case of articles and translations, is a minimum of 15 pages and a maximum of 20 pages.

3.10 The initial and final sections of the article must be called Introduction and Final Considerations, respectively.

3.11 Submissions must contain the following items:

3.11.1 title, which must have a maximum of ten words, including the subtitle (if applicable). The title in the original language of the article must be written in Times New Roman font, size 14, in capital letters, highlighted in bold and aligned to the left. Other languages ​​must be written in Times New Roman font, size 14, in capital letters, highlighted in italics, also with left alignment. Title and subtitle of the article must have only the first letter of each sentence in capital letters, except in cases where its use is mandatory.

3.11.2 summary, which must be concise (up to 250 words), written in a single paragraph, single line spacing, highlighting the objective, the main subject of the article, the methodology used and the main final considerations. Topic enumeration should not be used in this item.

3.11.3 keywords: up to five terms that classify the work with adequate precision for indexing, separated by a semicolon (;). They must be written with lowercase initials, except for proper nouns and scientific names.

3.11.4 summary: must list the sequence of items included in the manuscript, with the Introduction, Final Considerations and References items being mandatory.

3.12 For texts in Portuguese, the title, abstract, keywords and summary must also be translated into English and Spanish. For texts in other languages, the title, abstract, keywords and summary must be translated into Portuguese, English and Spanish, if the latter two are not the original language.

3.13 If it is necessary to indicate information about the article (funding by funding agencies, acknowledgments, text translators, etc.), a footnote must be inserted with an asterisk (not a number), placing it to the right of the title in the original language of the article.

3.14 Tables, tables, figures, images and graphs, when they exist, must form the body of the text, and not appear in another document in the form of attachments. They must be inserted with due care regarding good resolution. To do so, they must have a maximum width of 10 cm; open and editable vector format; short and self-explanatory subtitles. Images (bitmap) must be at least 12 cm wide and have a minimum resolution of 300 ppi.

3.15 Footnotes should not be numerous or extensive, nor should they contain direct quotations. Its use is complementary to the body of the text, with formatting in the same font as the article (Times New Roman), size 10, single line spacing and justified alignment.

3.16 Citations throughout the text must comply with the provisions of NBR 10520 — Information and Documentation — Citations in documents — Presentation. 2023, ABNT.

3.17 The indication of references must comply with the provisions of NBR 6023/2018 — Information and Documentation — References — Preparation. 2018, ABNT.

4. Assessment

4.1 The evaluation process will take place with the guarantee of double-blind peer review and will address:

4.1.1 analyze the adequacy of the article to the Journal's technical publication rules;

4.1.2 check whether the submitted article correlates with the relevant legal theme indicated in the issue of the Journal.

4.2 The evaluators are responsible for the possibility of eliminating the article due to its inadequacy with the formal rules established by the Journal.

4.3 Articles that do not present thematic relevance or contain signs of identification or any other form of possible breach of the anonymity of the author will be summarily rejected.

4.4 Any article in which plagiarism is identified, in whole or in part, will also be excluded from the evaluation process, without the possibility of sending a new version.

4.5 The evaluation process will consist of analyzing the articles through opinions, under the responsibility of the Ad Hoc Board of Reviewers.

4.6 Reviewers must evaluate the scientific-legal qualities of the work, using the double-blind review system.

4.7 For the material selection, the Editorial Committee will consider the agreement of the evaluating reviewers for the publication of the article, as well as the reservations and comments made by them.

4.8 If mandatory corrections are requested by Ad Hoc reviewers, article authors will have a period of 15 (fifteen) days to correct them according to the guidelines of the Editorial Team.

5. Final Provisions

5.1 By allowing their manuscript to be published in Revista Goyazes, the authors agree to the transfer, free of charge and definitively, of the copyright arising from the publication of the material.

5.2 The authors are exclusively responsible for the content of the ideas disclosed and their originality and originality.

5.3 The possibility of reproduction, in any existing media and supports maintained by Revista Goyazes, as well as sharing with the public, is a logical consequence of publishing the article.

5.4 When submitting an article, authors are responsible for recognizing and disclosing conflicts of a financial, personal, commercial, political or academic nature that may influence the preparation or evaluation of the manuscript.

5.5 There is no payment of any remuneration to the author or co-authors.